1.5. Online help

1.5.1. Command line help

If your are lost on the command line, you can ask Eq for the available commands

$ eq help
EqManips 0.2 command list

 cleanup        Perform trivial simplification on formula
 eval           Try to evaluate/reduce the formula
 exacteval      Try to evaluate/reduce the formula, without performing lossy operation
 format         Load and display the formula in ASCII Art
 interactive    Invoke Eq as an interactive prompt
 latexify       Translate the formula into latex
 mathmlify      Translate the formula into MathML
 toraw          Show internal representation of formula
 help           Ask specific help for a command, or this
 preprocess     Parse a source file and apply inline action in it
 demathmlify    Try to transform a MathML Input to EQ language
 show           Try to retrieve some information about supported options

If you want further information for the show command by example, just type the following :

$ eq help show
EqManips 0.2 command list
Try to retrieve some information about supported options
    --functions  Ask for defined function list
    --operators  Ask for defined operator list
    --languages  Ask for supported languages for the preprocessor

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